From Pitch to Paycheck:

The 4-Step Method to $10k Months for Freelance Writers

Sick of writing for no pay? Want to learn how to make money and land impressive bylines?

Join my FREE MASTERCLASS for freelance writers ready to write winning pitches and score fresh & fulfilling income. In this class, we'll learn:

  • The must-have strategies for obtaining and keeping lucrative freelance writing gigs.
  • Secrets to editor brains so you can soar past the stacks of pitches & be seen.
  • Actual pitches and headlines that sold to major newspapers and magazines (examples revealed!)
  • PLUS: Show up live and get the "Ultimate Money Magnet Pitch Template Guide" for FREE!

Hi, I'm Ericka

I’m a freelance writer that makes well over 6-figures a year from writing!

I've written in places like the New York Times, the Wall Street JournalChristianity Today and more. I want to teach YOU how to do the same!

As a trained journalism and English teacher, I’m passionate about helping writers navigate the overwhelming world of publishing.

From writing a solid book proposal to selling a personal essay to a magazine, I’ve been through it all.

Now, I want to pay it forward to writers that have dreams of publishing their own writing and get paid for it.