Freelance Pitching & Income Strategies

  • Weekly, hands-on video trainings
  • Get paid bylines
  • The art of the freelance pitch
  • Live Pitch Workshops
  • Secrets of editors
  • 2 In-depth pitch edits


feedback and

pitch edits!

Register Now

Knowing how to craft a pitch email is the fastest way to stop trading your time for dollars.

I know you are so ready for this and the guidance provided in this course takes you there straight away.


Whether you've just recently started writing or you've been trying to hack it for awhile, you already know that it's not easy to get your writing published in top publications or making a living as a writer.

Let’s just call getting

your writing

published what it is:


Rewarding, yes! But, still—hard.


Your calendar is maxed you cringe every time

you get rejected or can't

find the right fit for your



You’re craving more time

in your day so you can

spend time doing what

you actually love: writing

(and not trying and

failing to pitch to no

avail). And hello--making

an income!


You loveee seeing your

name in print, but it's

few and far between. The

effort is to much,

especially when you have to make a living doing

something else to make

ends meet.

And if you’re reeeally honest

with yourself (and me!), you

know it's time to figure this out

or you might go crazy.

So what's

the hold up?

But... you’ve got enough questions to fill an Amazon warehouse... and no one to help 

you answer them.

  • What does a successful pitch need to have?
  • How do I find the right editors? What if I have a small audience?
  • What makes a story idea sell-able?
  • Should I write it first or pitch it first or does it depend?

But the worst part? Dr. Google, good ole’ YouTube, and those free blogs full of random answers, but none of them are trustworthy. No matter how many glasses of boxed wine you drink.

Week after week, you’re left exactly where you started. Stretched thin as a sheet of printer paper, mapping out your story ideas one more time, playing around with brainstorming and wondering if you’ll ever be able to fulfill your dream publishing goals.


Your head starts filling up with a

few easily believable (but totally

untrue) thoughts trying to sabotage

your dreamy byline and book goals

biz before they ever leave the

Google Doc

(Believe me, I've been there...)

Let's put a pin in the doubts

holding you back, shall we?

Big Doubt #1: My writing isn't good enough.

After years of writing professionally, here is what I know to be true...

You don’t need to be the world's best writer to sell your writing.

I became a reporter when I was just 24 years old with zero experience -- and this launched my writing career. I sold a piece to the Wall Street Journal with zero fancy bylines to my name prior to that.

This idea that you need to have an MFA in creative writing in order to make money and sell your work is a myth. A good idea and persistence goes a lot further.

Big Doubt #2: I don't have time to find the editors

Okay, this one’s gotta go! It’s straight up not true.

You don’t need to spend 8 hours a day searching for the right people -- they have made themselves available if you know where to look.

Sure, there are some obscure editors—and you may want to track them down eventually—but most of them are easy to find and want to be found!

You can find the right editor at your dream publication -- and get a real response with a simple search strategy. This was hard for me to learn, but now it's the easiest thing I do.

Big Doubt #3: My ideas aren't original enough.

Let’s flip the script here. What if I told you it’s actually a good thing that we're starting here?

Seriously. Because that means you haven't even begun to plumb the depths of your mind for all the great ideas ready to be uncovered.

The special sauce is in how you differentiate yourself from the other writers actually comes down to YOU—your personality, life experiences, and those oh-so-special quirks and ideas you were always told to hide.

We've just got to pull those things out of you so you can discover what a wealth of unique ideas you've been gathering for YEARS.

Now, slow your scroll for a sec.

Imagine what it would be like

to finally find and pitch the

publication of your dreams

(and get an acceptance!)

You would be able to

brag about it, get paid

and use it as a stepping stone to your next

publication goal.

You would be able to deliver the important message or your story you've been dying to tell

to a very large audience!

You would finally be growing your writing side business and getting on that path to being the professional writer you know you are.

Sound too good to be


It's not.

...I know because I’ve done it, and I’ve dozens

of other writers to do it.

And I can’t wait to show YOU how to do it too.

But wait, have we 

officially met?

Hey, I'm Ericka


Mom of two, lover of Orange Theory and

proud Hoosier living in Indianapolis, Indiana.

And as a Writing Coach for ambitious writers who want to get their words published (and get paid for it!), I'm here to simplify the process, offer shortcuts and be a launch pad for great ideas and successful pitches.

Because, on a real note, I've been publishing my work and getting paid for it regularly for the past 4 years as a freelance writer!

In fact, I am a 6-figure freelance writer who never thought it was possible (but it is!)

But let’s rewind the tape real quick because it’s important to note it wasn’t always like this for me.

When I was working my 9-5 in working in communications, a slave to my bosses and feeling like my time wasn't my own, I was kind of miserable.

I could have never imagined I’d quit my job, become a full-time freelancer, and grow it into a business I LOVE.

I started slowly pitching publications back in 2018, but had no idea what I was doing. Once I landed my first piece, I was hooked.

After learning the hard way, tweaking my process, and seeing real results, I got two regular writing gigs and started to see pitch acceptances more and more frequently.

From there, I’ve built become obsessed with sharing my knowledge with others who have this same dream.

--> All thanks to knowing how to pitch and ask for the money I deserve.

Sometimes when I’m hanging by the pool watching my son do cannonballs into the deep end after school, I stop and think:

THIS is what I love: Making my own schedule and actually being fulfilled by what I do -- being proud of it!

Getting to share stories and messages I care about, making a living doing what I love and reaching thousands of people through writing is truly a dream come true. It could be for you too.

I share all of that not to toss a typical rags-to- riches story your way and sell you an Insta Million Dollar Business in a BottleTM formula (... run the other way if anyone does!)

But to show you what’s possible (and why I’m so obsessed) with publishing writing & getting paid!

And to highlight why—after over 4 years of doing this—I’m now dedicating myself to helping YOU get bylines, get paid and get happy with your life's work so you can have more freedom and make a big, big impact in the world.

And let’s take this one step further.

Cause, if you know me, you know I won’t settle for a middle-of-the-road promise.

I'm dedicated not only to helping you get some paid bylines.

But to helping you begin to create a long-term freelance writing strategy that you can depend on for years to come. It is possible, friend (sooner than you think!)

Enter: The D.O.N.E. Method.

Aka the exact framework + plug-and-play tools + expert support (from meee!) to take you from aspiring writer to queen of your own freelancing kingdom.

(Told you I’m not into mediocre.)

No more Googling.

No more watching everyone else get published in places you want to see your own name.

No more analysis paralysis.

Just a proven system, customizable tools, and all the writing knowledge I've been storing in my brain for years (just waiting to get out!)

If you’re with me, now’s the time to get excited because it’s about to be ALL yours.


Bragworthy Bylines

A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to

cultivate story ideas, pitch your writing, get paid and published on

the regular!


The secret sauce behind BBB?

It's the D.O.N.E. Method where you discover the best pitch formula for

each kind of pitch and publication before taking a shot in the dark.

  • DEFINE your niche
  • ORGANIZE your life
  • NEW client generator
  • ENGAGE yourself

In BBB, we'll dive into my specific formula for

each step and how I make it work to keep

bylines and money rolling in!



Here's what's waiting for you inside

Bragworthy Bylines!


Pitching 101

Before you can get published, you have to learn how to pitch! We'll start here with some foundational lessons to get things off on the right foot.

Once you lay a strong foundation, the big blue sky (with a lake boat under it) is the limit.

Things like...

  • Pitch structure
  • Editor psychology
  • Best timing to send pitches
  • How to find the best hooks



Crafting the Story

Alright, this is where stuff gets really fun. It’s time to deep dive into the story and figure out the nuts and bolts of what works and more important, what sells.

That means packaging your pitch so it’s a no- brainer YES for editors.

  • Turn your story into a fire idea.
  • Use the freelance story template to ensure you have all the pieces.
  • Create a headline that will knock an editors socks off
  • Build your list of resources, evidence and interviews to make the story sellable.
  • Begin crafting a solid pitch that will work like magic.



The Art of the Pitch

Learn the difference between a cold, warm and hot pitch -- and how you differentiate between them in terms of structure.

You'll take what you've learned and become structure a hook calendar and pitch tracker to make sure you stay organized and on top of it.

  • Conduct directed brainstorm sessions to lead you to successful ideas.
  • Do editor research to locate the email addresses of the editors you most want to reach.
  • Create story idea framework to ensure your idea is ready to pitch.
  • Outline your pitch and piece with the PPP method and myself.




Sustainable Pitching

Next, you'll learn how to create a sustainable pitching and publishing strategy that doesn't burn you out.

This way, you’re 110% sure your freelance writing will be a bonafide success without wasting a drop of your time. (Buh-bye Imposter Syndrome & hellooo cash injection!)

  • Validate your story ideas & plan ahead
  • Pre-write pitches and schedule them to send
  • Swipe my pre-curated editor list with over 100 editor emails at top notch pubs.
  • Grab my personal packet of "Pitches that Worked" to use and reuse!



Monthly Coaching for ONE FULL YEAR!

$2997 VALUE

Got questions along the way? (Of course you do!). That's where our live coaching comes in.

Think of our monthly Q&A's as quick power sessions where we answer your questions in a fast-paced video sesh.

The calls are live each month, and you can treat it like personalized coaching and consulting. I'm here for YOU!

Unlimited Access

$1997 value

As part of this course, you'll have unlimited access to me via email and text for 5 weeks (an extra week for after the course ends) for questions, thoughts or struggles! I will be here to work with you on pitches, conduct your pitch edits and brainstorm what you need to make this a success for you!


Loooooove a good bonus stack? Me too.

Get instant access to over $3,000 in course bonuses to

make creating and launching your course easier than ever

Twitter for Writers Masterclass

$197 value

In This Training, You'll Learn:

✔ How to optimize your account so it works for you 

✔ How to find story ideas, quotes and sources
✔ Best practices for promoting & advocating for your work

✔ How to connect with editors & learn what they're looking for
✔ How to use search to revitalize your research
✔ How to begin cultivating an expert reputation and authority

✔ Ways to save time and capitalize without spending hours on the platform

Twitter is making a comeback and it's one of the most beneficial and important tools for networking, story creation, promotion, engagement and landing publishing gigs!

Pitches That Worked

Grab Bag

$497 value

It’s no secret. At the heart of every successful publishing opportunity is an amazing pitch!

I’m handing over my proven, pre-written, plug-and-play email pitch templates nd a bunch of other "swipe files" (ie. things like follow ups, cold calling, pricing structures & more!)

Get this email pitch bundle and lots of other plug and play goodies when you sign up for the course!

Library of Social Media for Writers Resources

$1997 VALUE

Inside the social media for writers resources library, I have *everything* you need to start doing social media right!

A dozen+ assets including:

  • Story graphic templates
  • Instagram best practices guide
  • Make TikTok Work for You Workbook
  • Facebook ads for writers 101
  • Social media copy tips
  • Networking for Freelancers Roadmap

Make your life easier and capitalize on these incredible, made-to-use resources!

Exclusive Interviews with

Real Editors

$497 VALUE

I've learned so much hearing directly from editors. They are, after all, the ones making the decisions around here! Thankfully, I know a few and I am sharing some of those interviews with you through Bragworthy Bylines exclusively!

When you purchase the course, you'll get a growing library of editor interviews -- folks from places like Businessweek, the Washington Examiner and more!

They give you the inside scoop on what it takes to write and land a successful pitch, and what makes editors get seriously excited!

Get Paid Writing

Resources Packet


Listen: Knowing what to charge and what to get paid is a PAIN. This is one of my most frequently asked questions. In this packet, I'm going to break down for you how I price things and why. Get ahead of the game with this knowledge that usually takes years to get a grip on.




But right now, you get everything for

Only $697

*Use code: HOMEPAGE for $100 OFF!

100% Risk Free

When you join Bragworthy Bylines, you’re welcomed into a space that’s got everything you need to create your digital course, launch it, and sell it on repeat. And the best part?

This is a proven system. Dozens of students have used the tools in BBB to begin snagging bylines and income they never had before!

But, even though I know this course is so valuable, you deserve the chance to join risk-free to see if it’s for you. If you don’t think it’s every bit as awesome as I’ve promised, simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full.

There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won’t question you. I won’t even ask for all of your newly gained biz insight and strategy back ;)

*But don’t be that person who joins, downloads all the material, checks out every lesson, and then asks for their money back. We can see that on our course platform, and it’s just bad karma.


Here's how it works:

As soon as you enroll, you’ll be sent a confirmation email from ThriveCart and be able to set up your profile on the platform if you don't have one already.

You’ll be invited to join our private Facebook group and get access to the course!

Proven Strategy.

Templates + Tools.

Live Coaching.

...and a community

cheering you on.

Want to chat it through? Get in touch:





When does this program start?

Bragworthy Bylines begins as soon as you sign up!

Do I have to have published my writing before?

No! I will guide you how to make it happen.

Is this only for beginners?

Nope! This course is for beginners and intermediate writers (or those new to freelancing). I cater to both needs.

Seems like a time commitment. Will I have time?

All lessons are on the platform and available to you forever. All group calls are recorded and sent out the same day. You can go at your own pace if you wish!


Is this class for me if I just want to write on the side?

Yes! Most of my students write on the side of their full-time jobs.

What I am not looking to write for smaller publications?

This course will help anyone that wants to publish their writing on any platform, big or small.

Will the group calls be recorded if I can't make it?

Yes, they will be recorded and sent out same day with a recap email and access to them indefinitely.

Will I have access to you after the course ends?

I will remain open to student questions and pitch edits for a couple of weeks if necessary, but always happy to connect for quick questions or thoughts!

This offer is for you if...

  • You've been wanting to get paid for your writing for awhile
  • You've been told you're a good writer, but feel unsure how to capitalize on that
  • You want the opportunity to make unlimited income!
  • You want someone to help get you to the next step, ask questions to and help you feel confident that you can do this!

"If you are wanting to write for publications, but not certain how to get there, Ericka is the woman for you! She provides advice that is immediately applicable and action oriented, meaning you’re not left still wondering, “but how do I pitch?” Do yourself a favor and sign up for her class! You won’t regret it."

- Saffron Brooks

"Ericka's transparency in the process of pitching and the templates she provides serve as a great guide for writers who are ready to stop overthinking and *finally* put themselves out there."

- Elle Hamilton

More Love for Bragworthy Bylines

"The insider skills and strategies taught in this course are invaluable for all writers, and Ericka's own vast experience with pitching and publishing makes this course a worthwhile investment!"

- Alyssa Blakemore

"Bragworthy Bylines took the mystery out of pitching and made success feel attainable. I'm so glad I took this course!"

- Marina Crouse

"Bragworthy Bylines is encouraging, informative and helped me conquer my fear of pitching well-known publications."

- Kim McGovern